A True Blue Manifesto

My place to vent random thoughts on the way it is and the way it should be.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Recent Saudi Elections...

Saudi Arabia is one of America's closest allies in the Middle East with Israel leading the pack. However, recent elections in this Muslim-majority nation should at least raise a few eyebrows in Washington.

Conservative clerics, mostly bearded religious leaders, had a near clean sweep of the candidates chosen to head the government. If you thought that democracy was staring to take root in this part of the world, it's clear that one of it's most liberal governments is heading back to the ways of the Koran and fundamentalism. Forget their rich princes with their millions of dollars and lavish lifestyles, this is about the common man and his desire to live in that nation that follows the teachings of Islam. This is about children growing up studying Mohammad, Mecca, and martyrdom, not Mickey Mouse, McDonald's, and MTV. The White House is watching very closely, I'm sure.

Saudi investments make up roughly 8% of the US economy. That's a staggering number. There are a half dozen Secret Service agents guarding the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington 24 hours a day, looking out for them and their interests. If their government begins a path back towards Islamic fundamentalism, there's going to be a lot of money for America and God Ol' Petroleum to lose. This is disheartening for some. Lebanon was just starting a revolution of sorts to kick out the military occupation of Syria and, many believe, begin a sort of "new democracy" of their own. Sorry Dubbyuh, it takes more than just using the words "freedom," "liberation," or "democracy" in every sentence to actually achieve any real political change in this part of the world.

Will these elections hinder the process? Will the price of oil be effected? Will our strong ally of the Arabian Peninsula be no more? We'll have to wait and see. For now, I'm putting my money into Verizon stock... there's going to be a TON of phone calls for the next few months between Washington and Riyadh.