A True Blue Manifesto

My place to vent random thoughts on the way it is and the way it should be.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I love polls. They are a great way to get outside of your own personal thoughts and emotions and look at how other people think. Of course, it is very easy to confuse questions and skew the data to create a desired result. But, if you know anything about research methods and how to collect data it is possible to use the information gathered from a poll to draw some conclusions.

Gallup polls, I find, are very accurate and widely accepted by the intellectual community as a good resource for polling data. I listen/watch their daily briefing to get an idea of where others stand on current issues. I learned today that most Americans oppose the changing of Senate rules to eliminate the filibuster option regarding judicial nominations. I also learned that the more you attend church, the less likely you are to vote Democrat (I guess they didn't poll Grannie or mom). Click on the link to the right side of the screen and take a look at the numbers.

I'm really mad about these Radical Right Senators. They're willing to break the rules to get their way. What a 5-year-old mentality. They remind me of a daycare center. C-SPAN has been my channel of choice lately. More people should switch over there at least once a week and see how their government works. If you care about politics and political process in this country, it's a gold mine of information. I watched an hour of the debate of the judicial nominations today. If every American saw what I did, even more would agree that the blatant arrogance and deceptions this group of radical lawmakers are passing off as fact is downright offensive.

The problem is most Americans don't watch C-SPAN. We see some TV ads during the summer every four years, vote in November, and sit idle afterwards while those elected do whatever it is they do. No real interest in the system, no reading newspapers or watching what they actually voted for. Even worse is that people are now going to church to get their political news. That's some scary stuff folks. I think this will all backfire on the GOP in the long run, but that's going to happen later rather than sooner and the Radical Right is taking advantage of the momentum the Christian Coalition and powerful religious leaders are giving them.

Maybe the Democrats should start campaigning at the church. I think, at very least, every elected Dem should be more vocal on their Christian affiliations and try to remove this aura of "Christian = Republican." That is false. The GOP is trying to drive a wedge between Americans by claiming that if you're a person of faith, you should be on their side.

I'm getting too pissed off now. I'll think more about this issue and blog on it later or else I'll never get to sleep... WATCH C-SPAN! GET MOTIVATED!