A True Blue Manifesto

My place to vent random thoughts on the way it is and the way it should be.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Here is a great quote from the front page of electoral-vote.com posted this morning...

The NY Times had a very insightful story about the Foley scandal and the religious right, which forms the core of the Republican party these days. Briefly summarized, practically all the evangelicals interviewed said that Foley had sinned and should repent but that they were voting Republican because Democrats tolerate homosexual behavior. The fact that Foley was solicting minors didn't bother them as much as the fact that he is gay. Also, Speaker Hastert's not only tolerating, but hiding Foley's behavior didn't seem to make a difference.

My conclusion from this is that the Democrats should simply forget about these voters. It is a lost cause and catering to them just alienates other voters. Instead, they should forget family values and attempt to peel off libertarians from the Republican party. These people are hopping mad at the Republicans for abandoning their long-standing commitment to balanced budgets and for Bush's turning the Clinton surplus he inherited into the biggest budget deficit in history. Furthermore, they believe that the government has no business interfering with people's personal lives. If you want an abortion, it is none of the government's business. If two consenting adults want to do something in their own bedroom, it is none of the government's business. If you want to borrow a book from the library, it is none of the government's business which book. If you want to call someone on the phone, the government has no business eavesdropping on you without a court order. On these and many other civil liberties issues, libertarians and Democrats are in close agreement. Libertarian Republicans salute former Arizona senator Barry Goldwater as their hero, not Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush.