Finally, the squabble is over. Filibusters are in, three nominees are in, respect and dignity for the Senate is out. You know, I think Dubbyuh's nominees should have been tossed when the Democrats threatened their approval just like every other president has been forced to do when their nominees were seen as too radical to the minority in the Senate. I think the GOP is acting like a pig in mud with their new majority in the federal government.
But I also think that regardless of what side of the aisle you supported in this battle, it is clear that the American public now sees our federal government as a playground. Gone are the days of groundbreaking legislation and respect for all sides of the issue. I wonder what it was like to live in America during the civil rights movement. I would love to watch C-SPAN and see Congress debate and negotiate for such profound changes in American policy. For now we are stuck with an all-or-nothing President and a group of Congressmen who are being forced into that Christian agenda.
I'm waiting for a hero. A political Tiger Woods who just completely awes the public with his talents, his abilities, his class. Someone who works 20-hour days on a regular basis, someone who packs a sack lunch for work like everyone else and goes to Capitol Hill to do his or her best for America, someone who sleeps in their office late at night while rewriting an amendment to a bill, someone who is hard on issues but who appeals to the public is such a way that they transcend partisanship, someone who tells it like it is and can appeal to the average American and get their vote.
The latest polls, and the general consensus of people I talk with, continue to show discontent for the Senate and the way what Washington is being run. I don't blame them. Heck, I'm turning into one of those people myself. Give me a hero. Someone stand up and act like those which you represent. Be honest, be simple, be a true representative of goodness and character. Please, go to Capitol Hill early tomorrow, stay late at night, and talk to us in a common voice about what you are doing to make our lives better. Get out of this club of formality and "schmoozing" and get back to being "for the people."
But I also think that regardless of what side of the aisle you supported in this battle, it is clear that the American public now sees our federal government as a playground. Gone are the days of groundbreaking legislation and respect for all sides of the issue. I wonder what it was like to live in America during the civil rights movement. I would love to watch C-SPAN and see Congress debate and negotiate for such profound changes in American policy. For now we are stuck with an all-or-nothing President and a group of Congressmen who are being forced into that Christian agenda.
I'm waiting for a hero. A political Tiger Woods who just completely awes the public with his talents, his abilities, his class. Someone who works 20-hour days on a regular basis, someone who packs a sack lunch for work like everyone else and goes to Capitol Hill to do his or her best for America, someone who sleeps in their office late at night while rewriting an amendment to a bill, someone who is hard on issues but who appeals to the public is such a way that they transcend partisanship, someone who tells it like it is and can appeal to the average American and get their vote.
The latest polls, and the general consensus of people I talk with, continue to show discontent for the Senate and the way what Washington is being run. I don't blame them. Heck, I'm turning into one of those people myself. Give me a hero. Someone stand up and act like those which you represent. Be honest, be simple, be a true representative of goodness and character. Please, go to Capitol Hill early tomorrow, stay late at night, and talk to us in a common voice about what you are doing to make our lives better. Get out of this club of formality and "schmoozing" and get back to being "for the people."